May 17, 2025 Day of Service

We encourage each club to take part in the EPIC Day of Service Event!

Click Here to watch the Day of Service Kick off Call Video.
When ready a link to go to Day of Service Public Image Kit.
(the link goes to a google drive)
When Ready a link will be posted to Register your project 
 The links below will direct you the the Rotary Day of Service Website.
You can see what all the clubs participating are doing for their projects, sign up for a project and
share with family & friends.

 When ready a link will be posted to Order T-Shirts 
Please note that the DOS shirts are with a new vendor.  The design has been adjusted to remove the word Rotary from our primary logo, and now states "EPIC Day of Service"  Nothing has changed on the rear of the shirt.
Pricing will be posted when available.
T-Shirts & Banner Orders when ready links will be posted

EPIC Day of Service - May 17, 2025
EPIC Day of Service
What is Rotary Day of Service?
On Saturday, May 18, 2024, more than 17 Rotary Districts, 10 States, 7 Countries, 800 Rotary Clubs & 30,000 Rotarians, volunteered in their communities for an unprecedented Rotary Day of Service.  Clubs collected clothes for the unhoused, refurbishing parks, worked in food pantries, and much, much more.
Please join us for a rewarding day of service, friendship, and community spirit for the
2025 EPIC Day of Service!
*We encourage each club to participate as they can, partner with another organization, collaborate with another Rotary Club.  Even if your project isn't on May 17th - make the month a Rotary Month of Service.  There really are no rules, we want everyone to be able to participate as they can.
District 7950 Day of Service Committee
EPIC Day of Service Chair Person - Sharon Johnson DG -
Committee Member -Nicole Brien, DGE -
Committee Member - Joel Kopke, DGN -
If you’ve always wanted to find a way to give back to your community, this is your chance! 
You don’t have to be in Rotary to volunteer for the Day of Service.
May 17, 2025 Day of Service Tina White 2024-10-21 04:00:00Z 0
DG Challenge 2024-25 Elisabeth Galligan 2024-08-20 04:00:00Z 0
Empowering Rotary Elisabeth Galligan 2024-08-07 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Voices Podcast

Rotary Voices Podcast

Podcasts have soared in popularity in the last decade in part because they provide opportunities for unfiltered connection and community-building.
The global audience for podcasts is expected to reach 504 million listeners this year, almost double what it was in 2019, and the “Rotary Voices” podcast is part of this remarkable growth. Since its debut in May 2022, Rotary Voices has reached 250,000 listens and features interviews with thought leaders, Rotary news updates, and “read-alouds” from Rotary magazine.
The podcast is a great way to engage others in Rotary and raise awareness and understanding of what we do. We encourage you to listen wherever you get your podcasts and to share episodes with colleagues, friends, and Rotary participants.
Here is the link to access the podcasts:
Rotary Voices Podcast 2024-07-02 04:00:00Z 0

Tri-State District Conference

Click HERE for the Conference Schedule
See you there! 
Tri-State District Conference Tina White 2024-01-24 05:00:00Z 0
Peace and Conflict Resolution Betty Galligan 2024-01-16 05:00:00Z 0
Pre-PETS January 27 2024 2023-12-20 05:00:00Z 0
Mid-Year Meeting 2023-12-13 05:00:00Z 0
Save The Date! 2023-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Abington 80 Years of Service

The Rotary Club of Braintree honors The Rotary Club of Abington on their 80 Years of Service!
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Wonderful celebration by the Braintree Rotary Club to celebrate Abington's 80 Years of Service.  
All in attendance had a great lunch, wonderful presentations and history of both clubs and certificates & proclamations presented to the Abington Club.
Presenters were Braintree Mayor Charles Kokoris, Abington's State Representative Alyson Sullivan-Almedia, Abington Library Director Deb Grimmett, Exe. Director of the Dyer Memorial Library Merlyn Liberty, Braintree Veterans Service Officer Vincent Fountaine, Thayer Public Library Director Terese Stano, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen Town of Abington Alex Hagerty, Assistant District Governor Tina White, President-Elect of the Braintree Rotary Club Tammie Frye, Past President of Abington Rotary Richard Shepherd and Past President L and members of Braintree and Abington Rotary Clubs.
Patrick Lenorard Jr., Honorary Member and Official Club Historian of the Braintree Rotary Club and his committee did a fantastic job!  
Abington 80 Years of Service Tina White 2023-10-31 04:00:00Z 0

District Membership Day - Nov 18th

November 18, 2023 ~ 8:30am - 1pm
Fairhaven Senior Center, 229 Huttleston Ave., Fairhaven, MA

The cost is $25 per person to cover costs of materials for the Service Project and lunch. We need to know your participation well in
advance to arrange for the project supplies availability.

Who Should Attend:

* Club Membership Chairs or Committee Member

* New Rotarians (2 years or less)

To Register Click HERE 

All wishing to attend must be registered on or before October 27, 2023
Send any questions to District Membership Committee Chair Missy Garlisi at

For detailed information & event flyer - click HERE

District Membership Day - Nov 18th Tina White 2023-10-11 04:00:00Z 0
Speaker Bureau Tina White 2023-10-04 04:00:00Z 0

Creating Hope for Maui

Rotary District 5000 launches the "Maui Fires Relief Fund" through its Foundation. This relief fund aims to provide immediate assistance and long-term recovery support to the people of Maui as they navigate the path to rebuilding their lives and communities.
Individuals, businesses, and organizations are invited to contribute. Fifty-three Rotary clubs in Rotary District 5000 have already taken the lead by collecting donations at their club meetings and collecting needed supplies.
Creating Hope for Maui Betty Galligan 2023-08-15 04:00:00Z 0

DG Angela Ponte Installation

Rotary District 7950 Governor Angela Ponte was installed at a well-attended ceremony at Granite Links in Quincy, Mass., along with officers and directors from her home club of Quincy. The event kicked off the 2023-24 year with great energy and inspiration as Rotarians work to "Create Hope in the World" and in our local communities.
DG Angela Ponte Installation Betty Galligan 2023-08-15 04:00:00Z 0
People of Action 2023 Angela Ponte 2023-06-30 04:00:00Z 0

Create Hope in the World

This is the new theme for Rotary year 2023-24: "Create Hope in the World." 
Rotary International President Gordon R. McInally announced this theme at the International Assembly in Orlando, explaining that the goal is to "restore hope to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and to help achieve lasting change."
He calls for Rotary to create hope by working for peace and mental wellbeing, urging members to engage in tough conversations and earn the trust that's necessary to realize these values.
Create Hope in the World Angela Ponte 2023-06-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Day of Service

Rotary Day of Service happens in May
The Rotarians of District 7950 join clubs from five states and two countries (US and Bermuda) in giving back to their communities each May in a record-breaking Rotary Day of Service. In 2023, more than 12,000 Rotarians and other volunteers took part in collecting clothes, refurbishing parks, building shelters and many more worthwhile projects. Is your club ready to take part in this community-building and public image-enhancing Day of Service? Click Read More to learn about the 2023 event.
Rotary Day of Service Art Norwalk 2023-03-04 05:00:00Z 0
How to Find Rotarians in Disguise 2021-01-08 05:00:00Z 0
Fun Promo Videos from a Past District Conference Charles Sauer 2020-11-21 05:00:00Z 0
Vibrant Club Workshop: Watch Now 2020-10-24 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary CEO on District Radio Show

Here's a past "podcast" from our District's Radio Show that runs each week on WPRO-AM. John Hewko, General Secretary and CEO of Rotary International joined PDGs Dave Clifton and Val Perry on the district's long-running radio show "Service Matters". Click here to listen (starting at 3 minutes, 20 seconds in) as he reviews Rotary's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, changes to Rotaract and more, with a guest appearance by DG Charlene Jarest.
Rotary CEO on District Radio Show 2020-09-04 04:00:00Z 0
Post PETS Experience- Rona Mann Joseph Clancy 0